In a globalized era such as today it is imperative to be able to study abroad whether its physically or virtually. By virtue of studying abroad empowered students to intensified students’ global competency, advocate students’ global digital literacy, fostered students’ cultural appreciation and understanding and etc. In that regard, students should also seek to study abroad and for Indonesian students, Taiwan have been one of the prime harbor to learn. Nowadays, around 13,804 Indonesian students study in Taiwan, which makes Indonesia is the 3rd largest country in international student population in Taiwan after Vietnam and Malaysia.

In that regard, on April 12, 2022, University Al-Azhar Indonesia (AUT) and Asia University Taiwan (AUT) held Webinar on Socialization of Summer Program and Virtual Exchange at AUT and invited Dean of College of Humanities and Social Science of AUT, Prof. Yinghuei Chen as the keynote speaker. Joining Prof. Chen as speaker is Ida Ayu Amelia Kusumaningtyas, UAI student whom participated in AUT Spring Semester Virtual Exchange Program 2022. Rector of UAI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc. and Vice Rector IV for Innovation and Cooperation Field of UAI, Dr. Ir. Ade Jamal accompanied Prof. Chen as speaker aswell.

The webinar was also attended by myriad UAI Head of Study Programs and Deans, with M. Ghozali Moenawar, Lc., M.M as the Head of Office of International Affairs (OIA) of UAI moderated the webinar and Bagus Ramadhan, S. IP, staff of international coopreation of OIA as the MC began the webinar. Afterwards, Rector of UAI gave his opening remarks, wherein he emphasized the importance of exchange program as it allowed students to learn foreign culture. Ida echoed Prof. Asep notion, “Through the Community Work Practice subject that i studied in AUT, i learned about Taiwan’s community development, culture and social care, as well the concept of community work and how it works.”

Subsequently, Prof. Chen disseminate the AUT history and its Summer Virtual Exchange Program throughout his speech. Next, Dr. Jamal encourage UAI students to study abroad virtually or physically. The keynote speakers session come to a close with a QnA session led by moderator and a remark from Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology of UAI, Ir. Hidayat Yorianta Sasaerila, M.Sc., Ph.D. Then, the webinar was concluded with an photo session and closing by MC, the webinar exhibited UAI and AUT objectives to further augmented Indonesia and Taiwan relationship alongside increasing Indonesia students capabilities.