About Us

Short Profile

University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI), which was established in 2000, is a higher education institution under the auspices of the Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School (YPI) Foundation. This college consists of six faculties with nineteen undergraduate study programs and two postgraduate study programs. With a background of excellent accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT), UAI has become a new hope to produce a young generation of leaders who are visionary and have noble character. Now, UAI has potential enthusiasts at the national level, especially the Greater Jakarta area – Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.

The governance and education culture at UAI is based on the principle of “An Enterprising University”, by glorifying science and religious values which are expected to be an important aspect in changing the future for the nation’s children. This is very much in line with the concept of developing a nation comprehensively and in accordance with the ideals of educating the nation’s life as mandated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition, UAI is designed as a center for the development of science and character building, so that it can meet the needs of the wider community. This awareness motivates us to be able to produce superior graduates who have integrity, are armed with mastery of science and technology (IPTEK), and have strong faith and piety (IMTAQ) so that they are ready to provide the best for the nation and state.

As a shared commitment, the UAI academic community carries out the vision and mission of the University as a whole, supported by the progressive application of the principles of An Enterprising University that relies on an excellent education system, an innovative corporate system that fosters an entrepreneurial spirit, and an equity-based values system which is a manifestation of Islam as Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin, Grace to the universe, and simultaneously implementing the Seven Basic Elements of UAI towards a university that is equal to other universities, both at the national and international level.

UAI has a healthy and conducive learning environment (smoke-free area on campus) so that it can make students feel comfortable and safe when they are on campus. In addition to a supportive environment, UAI is equipped with facilities that support academic and global research in order to be able to meet all the needs of its students. The supporting facilities are in the form of:

  1. Library
  2. Center for Computers and Information Systems
  3. Language Laboratory
  4. Communication Laboratory
  5. International Relations Laboratory
  6. Moot Justice Laboratory
  7. Engineering Laboratory
  8. Information Engineering Laboratory
  9. Electrical Engineering Laboratory
  10. Industrial Engineering Laboratory
  11. Technology Biology Laboratory
  12. Management and Accounting Laboratory
  13. Micro Teaching Laboratory
  14. Psychology Laboratory

Human Resources

UAI is handled by human resources who are visionary and competent in their fields. These resources include committed management, an academic team dedicated to creating excellent human beings in Indonesia, and experienced lecturers who graduated from domestic and foreign universities.

Innovative Student Activities

UAI has Seven Basic Elements that were created with the aim of developing students who are professional and have a strong character. This can be achieved through our leadership training programs (elementary, intermediate and advanced levels). We strive to improve quality so that we can produce international caliber students.

To achieve our target, UAI also seeks to invite influential figures, both at home and abroad, to fill the Studium General for students, educators and the academic community so that they can increase their knowledge as a preparation to enter the international world. In addition, UAI also strives to hold various positive activities to increase student creativity and innovation. This is done so that UAI graduates are able to compete globally.

Strategic Partner

Through the concept of Triple Helix Collaboration (Academic & Research, Business and Government), UAI seeks to build a broad network, so that in the future it can create a society that is able to answer challenges and overcome problems faced.

UAI has a “Quality Scholarship Program”. This program is aimed at students who have excellent potential in the field of education, but are less fortunate economically. In this program, UAI also invites many agencies to participate, through efforts to establish cooperation with related partners, both domestically and globally.


Some of UAI’s achievements are; (1) Rank 87 Cluster 3 of the Best Universities in Indonesia and the Best 10 in Jakarta in 2020 for output indicators based on the assessment of the Ministry of Education and Culture, (2) Rank 78 UI Green Metric from all Universities in Indonesia and 868 from all World Universities, ( 3) Award from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia for the contributions made and the innovations produced during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the “Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR)” by an Industrial Engineering Lecturer. This tool is one of the innovative products launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo at the celebration of the Republic of Indonesia’s Resurrection Day on May 20, 2020, (4) Award from the Ministry of Education and Culture through LLDIKTI Region III as the 100 Best Non-Vocational Universities in 2019 and 2020.