Want to learn from Taiwan Professors?, experience the study culture of Taiwan? University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) can provide the gateway to study in Taiwan, as for the past 2 years UAI and Asia University, Taiwan (AUT) have been fostered a robust and productive cooperation. This relationship enabled UAI students to study in AUT virtually through their short semester programs and the students will have the chance to experience the study culture in AUT aswell. For the past 2 years there are around 67 students took part in Asia University short semester program not including the Summer Program in 2022.

34 students took part in the Fall Semester 2020, 3 students participated in the Summer Semester 2021, around 30 partook in the Spring Semester 2022. From June to August 2022, the Summer Program in AUT will start, in this upcoming Summer Program, there are 24 UAI students who partook in the program. In this short semester program, students are able to choose one course to study from various enticing courses that are offered by AUT. From 24 students participated in the Summer Program, 12 of them took Innovation and Decision Subject, 6 students took Investment and Fintech Application, 2 students took Web Design Subject and Creative and Cultural Industry, Economy Investment and Taiwan Culture, whilst one student learnt AI Application in Management.

This course will empowered and cultivated your horizon and knowledge, in that regard, the course that you took in AUT can differed from the Study Program that you enrolled in UAI. Thus, with this opportunity you are able to experienced wide array of courses that will sharpen and broaden your capacity, knowledge and gain a greater understanding of the world as you study in UAI and AUT. Furthermore, in this program you are required to speak in English towards your lecturers and classmates, therefore, this routine will hone your English and communication skill further. Moreover, immersing yourself in a different education system and practices will augment your employability prospects.

As shown by a study in 2016, that European students whom take part in the Erasmus international exchange have their employment chances increased by 42% compared to other European students who haven’t taken part in any kind of international mobility program or some sorts. Then, studying in UAI will vastly augment your employment chances and can be a fast track to achieve your career goals. So what are you waiting for? come and enroll in UAI to further enchance your skills and seize your dreams!.

-Bagus Ramadhan-